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Global market

global market article

Ever since I was a young lad I’ve always LOVED buying and selling stuff. My grandpa Hal was an auctioneer so we grew up around the auction sales. The auctions looked a little different back then – they were limited…

Sunday scaries

sunday scaries

Most people hate Mondays but I’m a big fan. It’s like a fresh start – kinda like New Year’s Day. Tuesday’s on the other hand… yuck. Anyways, I wanted to discuss something that I’ve been trying to implement lately. Also…

The savior

el salvador bitcoin

El Salvador aka The SAVIOR was the first country on earth to make bitcoin legal tender! El Salvador is home to over 20 active volcanoes. The geothermal heat from these volcanoes is being used to mine bitcoin! The President, Nayib…

Whats coming in 2023?


TToopppppo of the afternoon to you ladies and gentlemen! What the heck are we in for in 2023? No crystal ball needed. Just math, history, and logic! I made some predictions for next year in terms of silver, bitcoin, markets,…

Before you buy any bitcoin

before you buy any bitcoin article

I’ve talked to many people over the last six months about bitcoin. Many of them are eager to learn and want to trade some fiat dollars for SATS. The problem is that they don’t know where to begin. Are you…


exponential growth article. Bitcoin

Unfortunately for the innovation, most people are still fixated on the price of bitcoin in US dollars. But how can you accurately measure something against an asset with an infinite and unknown supply? Meanwhile,-Bitcoin adoption continues to rise.-The bitcoin network…

Advice for new business owners

Finally a post that isn’t related to bitcoin!! I was talking with my dad over the weekend and trying to help him get setup on social media to promote his new real estate venture. I came up with a few…